The Importance of Authenticity in Relationships

Having an authentic relationship is the beginning of a truly fulfilling relationship.
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Having an authentic relationship is the beginning of a truly fulfilling relationship. However, in order to have an authentic relationship, you need to actively be doing something in order to achieve it. It does not just happen organically by itself. Let us discuss practical steps that you can take to ensure that you have an authentic relationship that will be fulfilling.

In order to be able to have an authentic relationship, it all starts with you being authentically yourself. You need to be fully proud of yourself for being who you are. You have to know yourself inside and out, know what your strengths and weaknesses are. You need to be self-aware. You have to be living your truth on a daily basis, being true to yourself and focus on yourself. You work on yourself and improve yourself because of your own drive and goals, not because of wanting to prove other people wrong. You get to live your life using your own standards at your own pace.

Being an authentic person makes you more approachable, it becomes easy for people to talk to you. When you are an authentic person, it becomes easy for other people to admire you. You easily grab people’s attention without even trying. People who are authentic tend to appreciate relationships, and this enables them to give you their attention and invest their time in you. Authentic people know that having real and authentic connections with others is what makes relationships fulfilling. Therefore, they ensure that they are authentically themselves in every interaction they have with others. Regardless of how old a relationship is, an authentic person values such a connection. Listening to others and allowing them to express themselves and show you who they are comes easy as an authentic person.

Authentic people have a natural ability to make others feel comfortable around them, they treat other people with respect, they give them attention and hold space for others to be themselves. They make others feel heard and understood. They easily make others feel that they are not alone, they are seen and that their feelings and thoughts are valid. Authentic people enable others to to believe in themselves and this helps others have a better sense of selves and confidence.

Being authentic requires work and is a process. However, with the right mental attitude and forming healthy habits, you can become more authentic and benefit from having authentic relationships. To be more authentic in your relationship, you need to realize that having met your partner the way you did is actually a gift. You could have met a million other possibilities, but you met them instead. Therefore, you need to value their presence in your life. In order to have an authentic relationship, you need to appreciate it and accept it as a blessing.

Appreciating your relationship also entails appreciating your partner. This entails showing interest in your partner, being interested in them and their life and investing your time in getting to know them better. It is important for you to be thoughtful and put your partner’s feelings first. It is easy for people to put themselves first in any setting, but to have a truly authentic relationship, you have to learn to appreciate your partner and learn to put their interests above your own. This will help strengthen your relationship, it will be satisfying, and authentic.

It is essential to ensure that you have some time to spare in your busy schedule on a daily basis to give attention to your partner even when they may need an unplanned interaction with you. Regardless of how hectic your schedule is, ensure that you prioritize your partner. Know that they are an important part of your life. Allow for things to naturally unravel without you wanting to always be in control of everything.

Being authentic entails you allowing yourself to be vulnerable, being open and honest with your partner. This means that you allow your values to truly be seen and outplay themselves in a relationship. Allow your true beliefs, feelings and principles to outplay themselves. Allow yourself to be known by your loved one. Be open to openly express yourself, your thoughts and feelings and be as honest as possible. This vulnerability will strengthen your relationship. The more authentic you are, the more authentic your partner will be too.
