How To Stop Feeling Invisible As A Woman

Not all societies view and perceive how you look and your age as a determinant of how you are received and valued.
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Not all societies view and perceive how you look and your age as a determinant of how you are received and valued. There are societies that value mature age as it comes with experience compared to youthfulness as it may represent naivety. Natural signs of aging such as having wrinkles and gray hair are viewed as remarkable and valuable and these are understood to be improving a woman’s beauty. Therefore, different societies tend to understand things differently. However, regardless of the society you are in, how can you avoid becoming invisible?

A lot of women tend to feel invisible the older they get in society. However, how can this be when most successful women in life are above the age of 50? With age, comes experiences that give a lot of wisdom. With age comes different upbuilding experiences, having been involved in different romantic relationships, having been good in your career, having had a family of your own, having looked after your loved one’s, having dealt with health issues, having succeeded past challenging times, or even maybe having to deal with some of these challenging circumstances simultaneously. This begs the question, how do people who are most experienced, successful and knowledgeable become invisible in society?

It is true that the Western culture values youthfulness even though it does not bring much to the table. However, there seems to be a mismatch when the most powerful women are made to feel invisible with all that they have to offer. Let us discuss practical steps that one can take in order to feel less invisible regardless of the society one is from.

Firstly, you can start by being comfortable in your own skin. This means loving and accepting your body as is. This also entails being thankful for all that your body has been able to help you get through, helping you carry and fight different battles you may have had to wrestle with throughout your life. You need to be willing to push your body to its limits. One way to do this is through physical activity like jogging or joining the gym. This will help you become physically stronger and boost your confidence. This will also help you feel more energized and revitalized. All this will show that your body has a lot to offer with the right push. You will stay healthier, stronger and sexier.

Make it a habit to practice more self love. Love and accept what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. Do not look at the wrinkles and gray hair as things to be shameful of, rather, look at them as things to pride yourself in. These represent your entire journey, your wins and losses, your hurt and joys, and they have ultimately made you who you are today. It is important to bear in mind that they are a representation of the mature, reasonable, beautiful, powerful and wise woman that you have become. And without them, you would not be the person you are today. Therefore, take pride in what you see when you look in the mirror. Every wrinkle, every strand of gray hair and every scar is there to tell a story and make you who you are.

Make it a habit and a daily routine to take good care of yourself. Smell good, put your lipstick on and be pretty. Do not put pressure on yourself to look how you looked 20years ago. Embrace who you have become and celebrate yourself. True beauty is not just about what you see on the outside but also entails what is on the inside. This means that you need to eat healthily, drink lots of water and take necessary supplements if needed. Taking care of yourself means caring not just about how you look but also about what you consume. The better you take care of yourself, the better you will feel about yourself and the more confident you will be.

Do not invest a lot of your time paying attention to the advertisements that portray aging as negative. Aging is a natural process that comes with time. It is nothing to be ashamed of and you do not need to be undergoing a million dollar surgeries running away from it. Be comfortable in your own skin and celebrate who you are. Proudly embrace who you have become.
